Bikes & starting out

If you are new to cycling, buying a new bike can be a daunting experiences, speaking personally. I could have been sold one with square wheels and probably believed what they said in the shop.

Bikes are like everything else, the more you pay, the better (or it should be) the bike

The shops will always try to upsell and get you to spend more money

My advice (and I'm really no expert) 

  • Make friends with your most local bike shop - They generally are looking for repeat business, so a relationship of trust needs to be built on both sides 
  • Do some research - I've explained some bike types on the next page called "Sorts of Bikes"
  • Set a budget
  • Test ride your bike 
  • Don't be persuaded to buy a specific brand,  buy something that is comfortable for you to ride, it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks