80 miles approx & 2,400 calories 👍

This morning was interesting, I shot out of bed at 4.30/5 am by a loud bang, a thunderstorm hit incredibly loud, followed by some amazing flashes of lightening, fascinating to watch although at such an early hour I’m not sure it was appreciated.

This mornings ride was amazing , it was hot, humid & steamy, the scenery superb followed by an early lunch next to a lake with some of my fellow travellers.

Whilst we were having lunch, the thunder started followed by biblical downpours of rain, during a lull in proceedings we all got back on our bikes, more thunder & lightning, the wind was swirling around, I actually stopped cycling at one point, I couldn’t see where I was going 😱 scary stuff indeed 😰 I’m not sure the word wet quite covers it 🌪️⛈️⛈️🌬️💨 anyway we carried on, the sat nav gave up & I got lost! Finally got where we needed to be 😊 so all’s well that ends well! My cycle shoes are drying out on a heated towel radiator 😳

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Richard Clark
10 months ago

That sounds pretty hairy Wendy, hoping that you have better weather tomorrow. Rain and Thunder here, but held off til afternoon, managed a ride and a meal out before it got to us!

10 months ago

Sounds challenging! Well done for persevering! I hope you had some haribo to get you through the day or have the wheelers depleted your stock. I hope tomorrow bring you drier conditions

10 months ago

Well done Wendy!! Don't let the rain and thunder dampen your spirits. Have a great time and just think me, C,E & E did a 10 km ride this morning and we are very proud of ourselves. Looking forward to more blog posts